About Us

Created in 2016 and specialising in the financial sector, Regulatory Status: Youseeme SAS is an electronic money agent (EMA) , mandated by TREEZOR EME that is registered with the ACPR (reg No 63512) . Youseeme is also registered with the AMF in France as a global digital assets service provider (No 2022-50).

Youseeme Edge & strength

We are the only player registered with the AMF, which also has EMA status. It allows us to plan to fulfill worldwide the role of a Paypal or a Stripe in the cryptocurrency payment sector and the banks as we can deliver the cash in wallets for crypto and regular currency, also exchange from crypto to regular currencies.

Main Product &Potential

Youpay Is Our Universal crypto Payment module compliant with Prestashop, Shopify, WordPress, available in 60 différent countries, for a potential of an unexplored  35 millions  E-commerce web site to be equipped, only few thousands are now early adapters with a Hugh demand and growth rate monthly.

Currently a niche market, this sector has a very promising future thanks to the willingness of states to issue their own cryptocurrency as a legal tender.

Revenue Model

Plugin kit annual fees, IBAN account – Income on financial flows in €uros and payment by MasterCard, fees on trading and exchange commission.

Competition and potential

Ten major players with recent activity spanning just a few months. None of the players has legal legitimacy on the European market. The offer is still quite a vertical model, providing payments module only without service. No integrated wallet and exchange offer. Only two competitors are technically autonomous (API –exchange) , only few thousands are now early adapters with a Hugh growth rate monthly.

Business Plan

The company is confident it will achieve its objectives. It seeks to increased its capital by 2 million Euros based on a valuation of 10 million Euros in post money.